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HomeCar InsuranceCar insurance : Paying car insurance premium is expensive, so know in...

Car insurance : Paying car insurance premium is expensive, so know in what ways it can be reduced.

After buying a car, some people take insurance by paying very high premium. Due to which they have to spend more. But in what ways can the premium be reduced? Let us know.

Every year lakhs of cars are sold in the Indian market. Along with this, insurance premiums are also offered by the companies. In this news, we are telling you that if you are also worried about buying expensive insurance, then how the insurance premium can be reduced.

Search for alternatives
Whenever you have to renew your car insurance. So before buying from any company, get information from other companies also. Also get quotation from them. It often happens that the insurance premium of other companies is lower than the premium of your current company. This will give you a chance to compare among all.

ask for discount
Before renewing car insurance, definitely ask for discounts from the insurance provider. If you have taken fewer claims, companies take this into consideration. If you have not taken any claim in a year, then also ask for no claim bonus. At the same time, if you have not committed any violation of any traffic rule during the year, then companies can take this into consideration and give you additional discount in premium.

Choose addons wisely
Anytime you renew car insurance, you should choose your addon wisely. Your premium may seem expensive at the time of renewal, but your premium may save you money if you need that addon in the future.

Install safety features
If you use more safety features in your car than usual, the chances of the car being stolen are significantly reduced. In such a situation, you may also be given a discount by the companies while renewing the insurance. For this, install safety features like steering lock, anti theft device, GPS etc. in the car.

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Bhupendra Pratap
Bhupendra Pratap
Bhupendra Pratap has over 3 years of experience in writing finance content, entertainment news, cricket and more. He has done BA in English. He loves to Play Sports and read books in free time. In case of any complain or feedback, please contact me
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